"Sculpting, Calligraphy, Teaching and Curating over the past three decades have brought me to a point where, time has taken on a new meaning. In a relatively short period, from May 2019 to the present, an unanticipated “life review” occurred. After nearly 30 years of having lived, raised a family, worked, taught, exhibited art and volunteered in Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village, CA, my husband and I rather unpredictably, decided to move to the Phoenix area. Trailing our son, daughter-in-law and newborn grandson (our first and only at the time) who had recently moved, we were convinced this was the perfect next chapter. Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe were already familiar places, with lots of family here and years of celebrating holidays together. We’ve already settled into a wonderful life in Tempe, having spent the summer months learning “basic survival” techniques in extreme desert heat. Organizing my art studio (purging mainly) and just keeping bare essentials to continue my work as a sculptor, calligrapher and teacher has brought me to this point. The Life Review: I have never experienced anything comparable to a move after 30 years. It’s as much a loss as a new beginning. The transition was my departure from a suburban lake/beach lifestyle into a desert/mountain existence. Thinking about the life already lived and the one still ahead, it begs the question - how much longer do we have? And what's still out there to experience? It made me think about my work as an artist and a teacher and it drew me to this conclusion (one that Covid has facilitated): which is to stay on the path already blazed, only approach it differently. That being said, I’ve designed new classes to explore futuristic concepts, and experiment with innovative materials to sculpt, draw, paint and illuminate."